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dr. Anne-Marie Slotboom

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Criminology

Associate Professor, A-LAB

Associate Professor, Research Programmes - Law, Empirical and Normative Studies

Personal information

Anne-Marie Slotboom

I graduated from Leiden University after finishing a master in developmental psychology. I finished my PhD on a large scale cross-cultural study of childhood precursors of adult personality structure. Between 2001 and 2004 I worked as a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), where I studied the effects of interventions on persistent offenders and the implementation of formal and informal interventions in secondary schools. I am currently an Associate Professor at the Criminal Law and Criminology Department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My main publications have been focused on prison conditions in women’s prisons, women’s prison experiences, and girls in the juvenile justice system. Furthermore, I coordinated a study for the Dutch ministry of Justice on the need for gender specific interventions. My current research interest is concentrated on pathways to female imprisonment, female desistance and juvenile delinquents treated in outpatient clinics. Together with Machteld Hoeve, Menno Ezinga and Peer van der Helm I published a Dutch state of the art book on female delinquency (Criminele meisjes en vrouwen: Achtergronden en aanpak, 2012).

I teach courses in Theoretical Criminology, Life Course Criminology and Interventions and Crime Prevention.  

Member of the European Society of Criminology, 2008 – present
Member of the ESC Working group Women Crime and Justice 2010 – present
Member of the Dutch Network of Women Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren)
Member of A-LAB (Amsterdam Law and Behavior Institute), which carries out multidisciplinary research as an interfaculty collaboration of the various faculties within Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the NWO institute NSCR.




Anne-Marie Slotboom conducts research in the programme Empirical and Normative Studies.

The research includes several projects aimed at female delinquency. In collaboration with forensic psychiatric clinic De Waag I study profiles of adolescent and young adult males and females treated at De Waag. In cooperation with the NSCR several projects are conducted in the field of women prisoners, Caribbean women and crime, and the 'desistance' process in women. In collaboration with the WODC I study girl delinquency and decision making in the criminal justice system.


Criminal Careers and Interventions

Crime and Crime Prevention: Targetting risk groups in large cities

Inside-out prison exchange program

Begeleiding master scripties

Ancillary activities
  • Horizon | Rotterdam | gedragswetenschapper in klachtencommissie | 2019-10-15 - 2025-06-01

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Anne-Marie Slotboom

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