Anita van Hoof is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Science at VU University Amsterdam. Anita studied Communication Science and obtained her PhD in 2000 at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. Her research focuses on journalism and the impact of news on public opinion. Current research topics are the relation between sources and journalists in the production process of news, participatory journalism and the impact of political news on public opinion during election campaigns. She has published in major communication journals as – amongst others – the Journal of Communication, the Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, the European Journal of Communication. With other collegueas from the department (prof. dr. Jan Kleinnijenhuis, dr. Wouter van Atteveldt, dr. Dirk Oegema) they published a series of books for the general public on the impact of news on the vote decision (i.e. ‘De puinhopen van paars’, ‘Nederland Vijfstromenland).
dr. Anita van Hoof
Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication Science
Associate Professor, Network Institute
Associate Professor, Research Programmes - Social Sciences, Communication Choices, Content and Consequences (CCCC)
Personal information
- Journalism and the role of news sources
- News patterns in written and audio-visual news
- Participatory journalism
- News effects
- News dynamics
- Content analysis
- Nieuws en Journalistiek (BA CW)
- Nieuwsdynamiek in de digitale samenleving (MA CW)
- Nieuwsproductie en burgerschap (MA Journalism)
Ancillary activities
No ancillary activities
Ancillary activities are updated daily
- HE Transportation and Communications, NE Print media, journalism, news effects, ...