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dr. A.C. Flipse

Research Associate, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

Research Associate, CLUE+

Personal information

University Historian, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Ab (Abraham) Flipse is University Historian of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is based in the Cultural History research group within the Faculty of Humanities, where he conducts and coordinates research on the history of universities (especially the history of the VU Amsterdam), of science, of medicine, of science and religion, as well as teaches on a variety of subjects. Having a university-wide position, he also performs functions such as public outreach and advising administrators, faculty, and students on matters dealing with the history of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Contact Information

Dr. A.C. Flipse | Universiteitshistoricus VU
Email a.c.flipse@vu.nl
Telephone +31 (0)20 59 87977 / (0)6-51210291
POSTAL ADRESSS: Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam

Researche profile: https://research.vu.nl/en/persons/ac-flipse
Project website: www.geheugenvandevu.nl
Twitter: @VUhistoricus



  • History of modern universities in general and of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in particular
  • History of science and religion
  • History of Dutch neo-Calvinists
  • Public history
  • History of physics
  • History of life sciences

Research and valorisation projects

  • History of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: aspects of its transformation since the 1950s
  • Spatial dimensions of knowledge institutions: university campuses since the 1950s
  • War memorials at Dutch universities
  • Religious diversity at modern universities
  • History of science and religion in the Netherlands: late-nineteenth-century debates, and the twentieth-century creation-evolution debate
  • Biography of the biologist Jan Lever (1922-2010)
  • History of academic publishing (scientific journals, university newspapers, student press)
  • GeheugenvandeVU.nl

Supervision of PhD projects

Selected Publications (articles)

Selected Publications (books)


Since 2015 I have developed and coordinated several courses and contributed lectures to other coures in the curriculum, including:


  • University Teaching Qualification (BKO)
  • English Language Proficiency Assessment C1
  • Supervising PhD students
Ancillary activities
  • ForumC | Amersfoort | Adviseur | 2011-03-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. A.C. Flipse

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