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Applying machine learning into audit techniques

TechLab is a research line founded in 2020 by the IT Audit, Compliance and Advisory (ITACA) programme at the School of Business and Economics of the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, and encompasses multiple themes.

This academic base is broadly centered on the impact of technology and related subjects on the audit profession, and studies these topics with own personnel or in conjunc- tion with students and market parties. TechLab publications and meetings offer deeper insights and provide beneficial recommendations aimed at better equipping auditors to audit technological solutions or deploy them in auditing activities. It is strived to effectively identify risks that may have been missed in the past, and accordingly make a modest contribution to more successful audit teams. A higher quality audit can hence be enabled that drives value for all stakeholders.

Techlab Edition 2022
Applying machine learning into audit techniques: Towards (near) real-time assurance is a brief report of a study that BDO Digital and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam jointly conducted. Download the paper here.

Feedback and contact
Ideas and suggestions are gladly welcomed to advance what TechLab stand for and attempts to achieve. These inputs can be sent to the following email address:

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