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The ReSCU Writers’ Retreat and Seed-Funding Grants

5 juni 2024
On exciting, new grants and the success of our writers retreat in Driebergen!


The ReSCU Writers’ Retreat

On 27 and 28 May, the ReSCU Writers’ Retreat brought together 12 dedicated colleagues for an intensive two-day retreat at the beautiful Landgoed De Horst in Driebergen. This event provided a focused environment for participants to advance their research proposals, articles, chapters, and other academic works that required concentrated effort. By escaping daily distractions and dedicate 48 hours to their projects, ReSCU aims to get our (early-career) scholars enjoy the productive benefits from being in serene surroundings, also being enabled by having more than just professional discussion with one another, finding support in each other’s’ writing challenges and solutions!


The ReSCU Seed-Funding Grants

We are also thrilled about the ReSCU seed-funding grants, that are designed to support innovative data collection on topics related to Resilience, Security, and Civil Unrest. This small grant aims to help researchers explore the causes, dynamics, and consequences of these critical issues, with a particular focus on threats and challenges facing society. After the evaluation, the ReSCU co-directors were pleased with the very innovative research proposals.


The successful applicants are:

The successful applicants are:

Chendi Wang - B&P

Helenard Louw - CA

Ioana Vrabiescu - ORG

Maaike Matelski - CA

Marije Luitjens - B&P

Samual Ornstein - B&P


These activities and opportunities reflect ReSCU’s ambitions to foster research and collaboration in the fields of Resilience, Security, and Civil Unrest at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Stay tuned for more updates and future opportunities with ReSCU!


For more information or to get involved, please contact us at: resculab@vu.nl

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