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Awards at ABRI barbecue 2024

23 september 2024
On September 17th, the annual ABRI barbecue took place again in the beautiful Botanical Gardens here at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

It was a great opportunity for both old and new faces to get to know each other while enjoying some drinks and a delicious barbecue. 

At the start of the evening, the ABRI awards for Best PhD Paper, as well as Best Junior Faculty paper were given out.

  • The runner-up for the Best PhD Student Paper Award was Lorna Downie with the paper titled "On the Right Track? Studying the Use of Biometric Data to Manage People in Organizations" published in the Academy of Management Discoveries.
  • The winner of the Best PhD Student Paper Award was Michael Schachner with the paper titled "Extracting organizational culture from text: the development and validation of a theory-driven tool for digital data", published in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
  • The runner-up of for the Best Junior Faculty Paper Award was Max Mulhuijzen with the title "Diffusion to peers in firm-hosted user innovation communities: Contributions by professional versus amateur users" and is published in Research Policy.
  • The winner of the Best Junior Faculty Paper Award was Katie Stephenson with a paper with the title: "Upbeat or Off-the-Mark? How Work Rhythms Affect Strategic Change", published in the Journal of Management Studies.

Congratulations again to all winners and runner-ups!



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