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Tomislav Karacic received a Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds grant

17 augustus 2023
Tomislav Karacic, a PhD Researcher at the KIN Center for Digital Innovation, has received a Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds grant for his research project ‘Complex Collaboration for Development of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture’.

This year, the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds funded two hundred highly talented young researchers from all disciplines, allowing them to gain international experience. The grant will support Karacic's visit to McGill University, where he will continue researching the challenges of collaborative AI development in the agricultural sector. Based on the findings, Karacic will provide guidelines that help managers integrate AI into a workflow and facilitate close engagement between AI developers and experts.

In the video from the Future of Work conference, Karacic talks about his study of the consequences of implementing AI in the field of plant biotechnology: