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Vulcanus in Japan

Confirm your interest in the programme here
Last updated on 17 January 2024
Vulcanus in Japan is a training programme that offers industrial placements for Master’s students in engineering and other scientific fields.

The programme is open to EU nationals and citizens of SMP-associated countries and lasts 8 months, from August 2024 to March 2025, during which the student will be offered: 

  • A seminar on Japanese culture 
  • A two-month intensive Japanese language course 
  • A six-month traineeship in a Japanese company

The objectives of this programme are to get acquainted with the range of advanced technologies employed by a leading Japanese host company, to learn Japanese and to appreciate Japanese culture, to achieve an enriching experience abroad, and to be well placed in a future career to interact with Japanese businesses and people.

Who is eligible? 

To be eligible for this program, applicants must be: 

  • An EU national or a citizen of an SMP-associated country 
  • A first- or second-year master’s student 
  • Registered at a university until at least June 2024 
  • Enrolled in engineering (mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, nuclear) or other scientific fields (computer science, GNSS, electronics, biotechnology, physics, material science, production systems) 

Who pays what? 

The EU-Japan Center will cover costs for providing lectures about Japan and the Japanese language course. The host company will provide accommodation throughout the entire stay in Japan. Students will receive a pro-rata grant of around € 8200 (paid in JPY) to partially support return tickets to Japan, personal insurance, and day-to-day living expenses. The grant will be split into several installments depending upon the conditions of the programme.

Our team within the International Relations office will be hosting screening interviews specifically for VU students. We will create a short-list of talented VU candidates to promote to our partners at Vulcanus. 

Confirm your interest in the programme 

Are you interested in this unique opportunity? Please fill out this Google Form to confirm your eligibility for the programme and to book a timeslot for a short interview. The deadline for this is 10 December 2023. 

If you have any questions, please email