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Shared decision making with back patients

This project investigates to what extent the use of outcome information can support patients with low back complaints and healthcare providers in the process of Shared Decision Making.

In collaboration with the Maastricht University Medical Center and Equalis Strategy & Modeling, it is investigated whether the use of outcome information (patient reported outcome measures) can stimulate Shared Decision Making. For this purpose a patient platform is being developed where the outcome information is fed back. In addition, an information package is being developed for doctors and patients with information about Shared Decision Making and possible treatment options. By evaluating the conversations between doctor and patient, insight is gained into factors that promote and hinder shared decision-making with patients with back problems and insight into the use of outcome information in daily healthcare practice. 

Researchers Karin Kee, Marieke van Wieringen; Henk Nies; Bianca Beersma; Lieke Boonen; Paul Williams