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dr. Roza Kamiloğlu

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Social Psychology

Assistant Professor, IBBA

Personal information

My academic journey began with a full merit scholarship to Koc University in Turkey where I earned a dual degree in physics and psychology (Dean’s List) and a master’s degree in social psychology. This foundation led to an independent research position at Utrecht University, receiving the Dancker Daamen Award at the Associatie van Sociaal Psychologische Onderzoekers (ASPO) conference. I then completed my PhD in social psychology at the University of Amsterdam (2023); my thesis was awarded the Best Dissertation Award by the international Society for Experimental Social Psychology. Following my PhD, I secured postdoc positions at both the UvA and VU Amsterdam, and as of September 2024, I am an assistant professor at VU Amsterdam.


My research focuses on the study of emotion, specifically on how, when, and why we produce emotional expressions. My work investigates the function and evolution of emotional expressions, along with their cultural and situational variations. I use a diverse range of methods, including comparative studies with non-human species, cross-cultural analysis, and advanced computational techniques like machine learning.

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dr. Roza Kamiloğlu


  • emotion, nonverbal communication, voice, comparative psychology, computational m...


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