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prof. dr. Pieter Gautier

Full Professor, School of Business and Economics, Economics

, Tinbergen Institute

Personal information

Pieter Gautier (PhD 1997, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) is professor in macro labor. He received a VIDI grant from NWO in 2003 and held visiting positions at Georgetown University and MIT. He was associate editor at the Journal of the European Economic Association between 2009 and 2015, is fellow at CEPR, CES/Ifo, IZA and one of the founders of the SaM (search and matching) network. He was scientific advisor of the CPB and helped to design matching mechanisms for high school students and doctors.


His main research interests are: (i) search and matching models of the labor, marriage and housing market, (ii) school assignment models, (iii) competing mechanisms.

Fields:Macro, labor, applied micro


BSc: Economics for the global era, personnel economics, macroeconomics.

Msc/ PhD: Advanced macroeconomics, macroeconomics of the labor market

Ancillary activities

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prof. dr. Pieter Gautier