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dr. Philip Verhagen

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

Assistant Professor, CLUE+

Assistant Professor, Network Institute

Personal information

Philip Verhagen is assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, specialized in computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, with an emphasis on GIS, spatial analysis and modelling. He has held a position as post-doctoral research fellow at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam from 2009-2017. Before that, he has worked as a GIS specialist in contract-based archaeology with Dutch companies RAAP (1992-2005) and ACVU-HBS (2005-2008).

He has been Publication Officer of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods from 2011-2016, and is currently Managing Editor of the Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology.

Since 1 January 2018, dr. Verhagen is Scientific Director of ARCHON, the Dutch Research School for Archaeology.


Dr. Verhagen's research focuses on the methodological and theoretical aspects of spatial analysis and modelling in landscape archaeology. He has published widely on archaeological predictive modelling and settlement pattern analysis, and has recently extended his interests to agent-based modelling and network analysis within the context of his research project 'Finding the Limits of the Limes'. This project focused on using simulation modelling to reconstruct and understand the cultural landscape in the Dutch part of the Roman frontier.

He has also been involved in research into the effectiveness of archaeological survey for purposes of archaeological heritage management, and has contributed to Dutch national guidelines in this respect.

A full list of Dr. Verhagen's publications can be found on


NWO VENI-grant (2009-2012), 'Introducing the Human (F)actor in Predictive Modelling for Archaeology'

NWO VIDI-grant (2012-2017), 'Finding the Limits of the Limes'

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dr. Philip Verhagen