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prof. dr. Nico Roijmans

Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

Visiting Fellow, CLUE+

Personal information

Nico Roymans (1954) is full professor of Northwest European archaeology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam since 1998. His research interests include the social organisation of Late Iron Age societies, the archaeology of Celto-Germanic societies and their integration into the Roman world, ethnicity and ethnogenesis in the Roman empire, and the archaeology of mass violence and genocide in antiquity. He acquired and directed 8 major research projects, each including several sub-projects for PhD students and/or postdocs, with themes as and Since 2016 he is director of the project Portable Antiquities in the Netherlands, aimed at a systematic registration of small metal finds in private collections.

Ancillary activities

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prof. dr. Nico Roijmans