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Moira van Leeuwen

Research Associate, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Biomechanics

Research Associate, IBBA

Research Associate, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, AMS - Rehabilitation & Development

Personal information

My name is Moira van Leeuwen and I am passionate about basketball and Human Movement Sciences. During my PhD I investigated active control of human gait stability. More specifically I focused on the role of foot placement control in maintaining mediolateral steady-state gait stability. I like fundamental research, and am motivated to translate these fundamental findings into training interventions.

"LesSchuh" is a skate-like shoe with a narrow, flexible ridge underneath of the shoe's sole. Although we used LesSchuh to test fundamental hypotheses first, we have also investigated its potential as training tool to improve foot placement control and gait stability in older adults.

Currently, I am following my interest in training interventions working as a postdoc in the StepuP project, which aims at understanding the effectiveness of speed-dependent treadmill training in Parkinson patients.

Ancillary activities

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Ancillary activities are updated daily

Moira van Leeuwen


  • gait stability, foot placement control
