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dr. Mathieu Blondeel

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Environmental Policy Analysis

Personal information

Dr Mathieu Blondeel is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Policy Analysis (EPA) department of the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) of VU Amsterdam.

Previously, he obtained a PhD at Ghent University (Belgium) in International Relations and worked as Research Fellow at the Warwick Business School (UK).

His work is situated at the intersection of global energy and climate politics. Currently he is working on a variety of issues, with a primary focus on the geopolitics of energy system transformation and the political economy of the global oil industry.

Mathieu lectures at VU Amsterdam in the MSc Political Science, the MSc Environment & Resource Management and the Msc Global Environmental Change & Policy. He also supervises MSc dissertations.


Global Energy Politics & Governance; Global Climate Politics & Governance; Energy System Transformation; Geopolitics.


2019: PhD International Politics – Ghent Institute for International Studies (GIIS), Ghent University, Belgium.

2015: MSc International Politics – Ghent University, Belgium.

2013: BSc Political Science – Ghent University, Belgium.

2013: Programme d'études politiques annuel - Institut d'études politiques, Aix-en-Provence, France

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dr. Mathieu Blondeel