My research focuses on issues in social epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion. Currently, most of it is in collective epistemology and political epistemology: can groups have beliefs and knowledge, are there collective intellectual virtues, what determines the epistemic performance of groups, how do people form, maintain, and reason about their political beliefs? I also apply these issues in thinking about the epistemic qualities of liberal democracy.
prof. dr. ir. Jeroen de Ridder
Full Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Epistemology and Metaphysics
Full Professor, CLUE+
- Ph.D. in Philosophy, Delft University of Technology, 2007
- M.A. in Philosophy cum laude, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2007
- M.Sc. in Systems Engineering and Policy Analysis cum laude, Delft University of Technology, 2000
I teach epistemology, philosophy of science, business ethics, and – if I get the opportunity – philosophy of religion.
- The impact of online battles: Use and implications of political conflict frames in a digital media environment
(with Sanne Kruikemeier (ASCoR, UvA) and Rens Vliegenthart (ASCoR, UvA))
NWO Open Competition for Digitalization SSH, 2020–2024 - Knowledgeable Democracy: A Social-Epistemological Inquriy
NWO Vidi project, 2016–2022 - The Epistemic Responsibility of the University
(with René van Woudenberg and Rik Peels)
Templeton World Charity Foundation, 2016–2019 - Science Beyond Scientism
(with René van Woudenberg, Gijsbert van den Brink, and Gerrit Glas)
Templeton World Charity Foundation, 2012–2015 - Commercializing Science and the Flow of Knowledge
NWO Veni project, 2010–2014
Ancillary activities
- De Ridder Onderwijs en trainingen | Gouda | Directeur/eigenaar | 2020-01-01 - present
- NWO | Den Haag | Bestuurder | 2022-11-01 - 2025-10-31
- Driestar educatief | Gouda | Lid wetenschappelijke adviesraad | 2023-09-01 - 2028-08-31
Ancillary activities are updated daily
