Jasper van Vliet is an Associate Professor in Land Use and Urban Development. In his research he aims to better understand land use change and urban development processes and their consequences at scales ranging from local to global. The multi-scale approach underlying his research builds on a range of methodological approaches, including case studies, systematic reviews, spatial analysis, and land use modelling.
His current work focusses on food systems and the role of human settlements in land use change. In 2019 Jasper was awarded a VIDI personal grant for his project 'Guiding human settlements towards sustainable development'. He lead the RUGBIS project on the consequences of urban densification on green and blue infrastructure (in collaboration with PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and TU Delft) and he led the SDG food project on trade-offs and synergies related to SDG2 in Laos and Myanmar (in collaboration with the Athena Institute and the development economics group of the VU Amsterdam).
Jasper is program director of the Bachelor in Earth, Economics, and Sustainability, and teaches BSc and MSc courses on GIS s, Land use change, and Research design and Urban development. He regularly supervises related thesis projects.
Land use, Urban development, Land cover, Land-use change, Spatial analysis.