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dr. Gerard van der Meijden

Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, Spatial Economics

Associate Professor, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute

, Tinbergen Institute

Personal information

Gerard van der Meijden (Raamsdonksveer, 1984) obtained his Research Master's degree (cum laude) in Economics with a specialization in Dynamic Macroeconomics from Tilburg University in 2009. He holds a PhD from Tilburg University. Currently, he is Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at the Department of Spatial Economics.


Environmental and natural resource economics, growth theory, sustainability, dynamic macroeconomics.


BSc, MSc and MPhil courses in environmental economics, economic growth, macroeconomics, and sustainability.

Ancillary activities

No ancillary activities

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Gerard van der Meijden