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dr. Alberto López Ortega

Research Associate, Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication Science

Research Associate, Network Institute

Research Associate, Research Programmes - Social Sciences, Communication Choices, Content and Consequences (CCCC)

Personal information

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Starting Fall 2024, I will be the Ramón Areces Fellow and Visiting Scholar for 2024-2025 at the Center of European Studies at Harvard University. Starting July 2025, I will come back as an Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

I specialize in comparative politics, electoral behavior, representation, and public opinion. I co-direct the electoral prediction market Predilect and co-lead WG1 at COST Action LGBTI+ Social and Economic (in)equalities (CA19103). Previously, I earned my Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Zurich.

My research focuses on two key and interconnected challenges that modern democracies face: identity-based polarization and the erosion of sociocultural attitudes, particularly concerning LGBTQ+ perspectives in relation to liberal democracy. I have also specialized in understanding the discrimination patterns against LGBTQ+ and other minority political candidates within the European context. My methodological expertise is in quantitative techniques, with a specific emphasis on experimental survey methods.

Some of my research has been published in Nature Human BehaviourScience AdvancesAmerican Political Science Review, and Political Behavior, among other outlets.

For more information about my research projects, teaching, and open science materials, please visit my personal website.

Ancillary activities

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dr. Alberto López Ortega


  • J Political Science, Comparative Politics, Political Psychology, LGBTQ+ politics...
