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dr. DA Kistemaker

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Biomechanics

Assistant Professor, IBBA

Assistant Professor, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, AMS - Sports


My general research interest revolves around the control, mechanics, and energetics of human movement. I combine experimental data with predictions and analyses using (neuro-)musculoskeletal models capable of mimicking essential properties of the actual musculoskeletal system. These models stem from in vitro/in vivo experiments and cadaver studies on mammalian musculoskeletal systems. I employ optimal control techniques (e.g., Direct Collocation and Sparse Non-linear Optimizer) to derive model-based predictions.

Currently, my focus is on understanding the relationship between muscle mechanics and muscle energetics in the context of human locomotion, and control mechanisms underlying human movement. The applications of my research extend to optimizing equipment in sports and rehabilitation contexts.

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dr. DA Kistemaker