Dimitris is Professor at Vrije University Amsterdam since 2015, where he holds the core departmental Chair of Social Anthropology and Sociology of Development, he is Director of Research in Anthropology and co-directs the lab on Infrastructures, Sustainability and Commons.
He is an anthropologist of Europe with expertise on the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Since 2004 he is developing a more global study of infrastructures (incl. labour) and the state, first with the project 'An anthropology of the road', which was focused geographically on Albania and Eastern Europe. Later he continued that line of research with the project infra-demos, which studied infrastructures and democracy and was funded by the Dutch Research Council (Vidi-Research Talent grant.) In 2023 continued this line of research with a Stimulation grant from the Dutch Ministry of Education with his project Infrastrutcures and Sustainability: A Global Studies Perspective. Additionally to infrastructures, since 2008 he is working on an anthropology of crisis, grassroots movements and the city, with the project crisis-scapes, which was funded with an ESRC-Future Research Leaders. The synthesis of his work on grassroot movements and infrastructures from a global pespective was crystalised with infra-demos that he continues until today.
He has co-produced and co-researched the documentaries: Colony, Wasting the West, Future Suspended, Politics of Knives, and Landscapes of Emergency, see also Athens Social Meltdown.
He is in the editorial boards of the journals City (UK), Anthropology and Materialism (FR) and ANUAC Rivista (IT).
See Dimitris' Personal Website