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dr. Bogdana-Raluca Huma

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Communication

Assistant Professor, Network Institute

Personal information

As Assistant Professor in the department of Language, Literature, and Communication at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, I am a member of the Language and Communication research group and I teach on the programme in Communication and Information Studies in the Faculty of Humanities.


My research focuses on how language is used in everyday domestic and institutional interactions to construct and manage psychological topics, relevancies, and outcomes, with a view to developing practical applications and communication training. Drawing on a range of interactional methods – discursive psychology, conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, and membership categorisation analysis – I have examined, for example, how first impressions authenticate assessments, how persuasion and resistance are practically accomplished in sales calls, and how accusations of mansplaining are constructed and dealt with across different institutional settings.


I teach the following courses on the BA programme in Communication and Information Studies:

- Discourse Analysis

- Persuasive Communication

- Communication Cultures

- Introduction to Communication Studies

- Language, Media, and Communication

I teach the following courses on the MA programme in Communication and Information Studies, the Dialogue, Health & Society track:

- Interaction Analysis

- Dialogue for Health

- Medical and Healthcare Interactions

Ancillary activities
  • Journal 'Research on Language and Social Interaction' | Loughborough | Redactiemedewerker | 2021-02-02 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

dr. Bogdana-Raluca Huma


  • BF Psychology, HM Sociology, Social Psychology, Social Influence, Discursive Psy...
