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prof. dr. Barbara Regeer

Full Professor, Faculty of Science, Athena Institute

Full Professor, Amsterdam Sustainability Institute

Full Professor, Network Institute

Full Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Global Health

Full Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Quality of Care

Personal information

Barbara Regeer, PhD, is associate professor transdisciplinary strategies for sustainable development and system transformation at the Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research interests are in emerging innovative strategies for (sustainable) development, with a specific focus on the facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes, knowledge co-creation, social change and mutual learning between all actors involved, in such areas as sustainable food systems, integrated rural development, mental health care, child and youth care, and disability mainstreaming.

Besides publications in the mentioned areas in international peer reviewed journals, she has (co)authored books on approaches for knowledge co-creation for sustainable development. She coordinates, and teaches in, various courses on (transdisciplinary) research methodology, science communication, policy processes and (social) innovation. She is director of the Graduate School for Transdisciplinary PhD Education at Athena Institute.

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prof. dr. Barbara Regeer

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