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drs. Bernadette Schrandt

External PhD Candidate, Faculty of Humanities, Art and Culture, History, Antiquity

External PhD Candidate, CLUE+

Personal information

In her PhD research, Bernadette studies how designers engage with heritage environments and how they, together with heritage institutions, give shape to polyvocality in mixed reality experiences.

She currently works as a lecturer-researcher at the research group Creative Media for Social Change (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), where she lectures and designs courses in the subjects: Design Research, User Research, Communicating Design, Philosophy of Media and Technology, Thesis (CO-CB / CMD), and assessor of the HvA Master Digital Design.

Ancillary activities

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Ancillary activities are updated daily

drs. Bernadette Schrandt


  • AM Museums (General). Collectors and collecting (General), GN Anthropology, GV R...
