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prof. dr. Annemieke van Straten

Full Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology

Full Professor, Amsterdam Public Health, APH - Mental Health

Personal information

Annemieke van Straten is psychologist and epidemiologist, professor of Clinical Psychology and head of the section Clinical Psychology within the department of Clincial, Neuro and Developmental Psychology. With her work she wants to contribute to the reduction of disease burden caused by mental disorders. Her work therefore focuses mainly om mental disorders which are common in the population such as insomnia disorder and depression. She wants good quality treatments to be widely available and therefore her work concentrates on brief (e-health) treatments delivered in the general population, general practices or low intensity mental health services. She has performed many randomised controlled trials to examine the (cost)effectiveness of those interventions, written a number of meta-analyses to summarize available evidence, and run several studies into the implementation of those interventions. She has published more than 100 papers in international peer-reviewed academic journals. She is also a board member of the International Organisation of Internet Interventions (ISRII), a member of the European Sleep Research Society, member of the editorial board of the journal Internet Interventions, and editor of the journal Clinical Psychology Review.

Ancillary activities
  • Journal: Clincal Psychology Review | Amsterdam | editor | 2019-12-12 - present
  • RINO Amsterdam | docent (incidenteel) | docent | 2021-11-01 - present
  • Stichting Kwaliteit in Basis GGZ | Adviseur Wetenschap & Onderzoek | Adviseur | 2022-01-03 - present
  • Vereniging voor Gedrags- en Cognitieve Therapieen (VGCt) | lid ledenraad | lid ledenraad | 2023-03-01 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

prof. dr. Annemieke van Straten