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Preparation of the ceremony

To support your introductory talk - maximum 10 minutes - with a (powerpoint) presentation, you should bring a USB stick. It is also possible to bring your own laptop. The use of the auditorium and basic technical support is free of charge. For further information and additional requirements (e.g. music when entering and leaving the auditorium) please contact the Audio Visual Centre: AVC Information Desk, telephone +31  20 5989155.

To support your -max. 10 minutes- introductory talk with a (powerpoint) presentation, you should bring a USB stick. It is also possible to bring your own laptop. The use of the auditorium and basic technical support is free of charge. For further information and additional requirements (e.g. music when entering and leaving the auditorium) please contact the Audio Visual Centre: AVC Information Desk, telephone +31  20 5989155.


Any receptions following the defence ceremony will be provided by EUREST catering company. You can use the order form of the FCO Service Desk, which you will receive after the date of the ceremony, to indicate whether you wish to make use of a reception area within VU Amsterdam. This form should be in the possession of the FCO Service Desk at least one month before the start of the ceremony. You need to order the catering with EUREST yourself via

For questions to the Service Desk: +31 20 5985777.

Bringing your own fresh or home-made products (such as salads, cheese, meat, cakes or pies) is not permitted.

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