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Ore magnet

The ore magnet removes "ore" (magnetite) from the sample. First check if any ore is present at all. The magnetizable ore will be attracted to the magnet along the vibration chute, and the other non or less magnetizable minerals will keep on rolling straight on into a collecting container.

Use a laboratory coat. The air extractor in the workshop must be started. Check if workshop, appliance included, is clean.


  • 2 stainless steel collecting containers
  • lab-lift
  • funnel


It could be necessary to make sieve fractions first (see chapter 8).
Both magnet and vibrating chute feed controls are in a chest under the table. Turn on the main switch. Fix the vibrating chute to the funnel and place (small) collecting cups at the two ends of the vibrating chute, use the lab-lift if necessary.
Feed some of the sample into the funnel and switch on the vibrating chute button, so that the sample will 'walk' through the chute. When this is accomplished, the magnetic flux can be set on position 100. The so-called ore will be attracted to the magnet and the non-magnetizable fraction will continue straight on. Is the separation successful, more sample can be added.
If an obstruction should occur because too many grains 'stick' to the magnet, the chute has to be cleaned with a (clean) brush. Afterwards the ore has to be stored in a plastic bag provided with the sample number and the word 'ore'. The other, non-magnetic fraction will continue to be processed.


After use the machine and the work top must be cleaned thoroughly.

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