If you need methodological support in your research, you can reach out to the below colleagues who have specific expertise in qualitative and quantitative methodology. They can offer advice, but also support/carry out the actual analysis of data. They provide support on the basis of mutual agreement where you discuss your needs and match this to their availability, based on the principle that a brief advice (e.g. 20 minutes conversation) is free, but anything more substantial comes with a cost of 50 euro an hour, as well as the agreement of co-publication.
LEARN! can cover (part of) the cost should you not have project funding to pay for this, but you need to put in a request for funding first. For this you can email Nienke van Atteveldt (n.m.van.atteveldt@vu.nl) with a brief outline (1 page maximum) of the requested expertise (advice, support in actual analysis etc), whose expertise you are requesting and the amount of time and costs involved and the planned outcome (e.g. paper, dataset etc).
We are looking to extend our helpdesk, so if you want to contribute to the methodology helpdesk yourself (and in this way receive funding for personal expensesstart potential new collaborations and opportunities for publishing), let us know and we can add you to the list!