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Computer Science Education

Group's research focus is on programming education.

Felienne Hermans, head of group: " Based on my experiences in teaching programming to kids, I developed Hedy, a new programming language that makes it easier for kids to learn textual programming, and I wrote up all that I learned about learning and teaching in The Programmer’s Brain, published at Manning."

On 15 June, Felienne Hermans held her inaugural talk in the Aula of the VU Amsterdam.

To watch the video en to read the text, click here.

Computer Science Education

Group members

Felienne Hermans

Head of Group, Full Professor in Computer Science Education

Vivian van der Werf

PhD Student

Xiaohua Jia

PhD Student

Giulio Barbero

PhD Student

Marcella Veldthuis

PhD Student

Shirley de Wit

PhD Student

Olivier Goletti

PhD Student