Use a laboratory coat. The dust collector must be activated. Check if the work shop, the machine included, is clean.
- 2 stainless steel collecting containers
- brush
- funnel
It could be necessary to make sieve fractions first.
Magnet and vibrating chute feed controls are on the panel on the chest. Turn on the main switch. Put some of the sample into the funnel. Place 2 collecting containers under the machine. The number of revolutions of the roll magnet is set at maximum. Slowly increase the sample feed (sample quantity), so that the sample passes smoothly. Then start a magnetic flux of 100mA at low reach. The magnetizable grains will be thrown off the rotating roll into the left tray. If there is little or no separation, gradually increase the magnetic flux (e.g. with 50 mA). Increase the magnetic flux (after some time at high reach), and collect the different fractions. Write down clearly sample number and magnetic flux etc. (e.g. cpc >450) on the small containers. Choose from those fractions the ones which will continue further processing. Zircon and apatite are in the least magnetic fraction.
After use the machine and work top have to be cleaned thoroughly, also on top of the frame around the funnel. Always first use the vacuum cleaner. Then blow clean with compressed air.