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ABRI Part-time PhD: Publications, dissertations and alumni

On this page you will find a selection of published PhD dissertations and research papers, written by participants in the Part-time PhD programme at VU School of Business and Economics

From September 2022 onwards, you will also find an overview of alumni from the programme on this page.

Highlighted journal articles

Ngah, E., Tjemkes, BV., & Dekker, H. (Accepted/In press ) (2023). Relational Dynamics in Information Technology Outsourcing: An Integrative Review and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Management Reviews.

Tcholakian, L.A., Khapova, S.N. & Loo, E. van de (2023). Historical Consciousness in Executive Education Programs: Engaging with Transgenerational Collective Traumas. Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Klok, Y., Kroon, D.P., & Khapova, S.N. (2022). The role of emotions during mergers and acquisitions: A review of the past and a glimpse into the future. International Journal of Management Reviews.

de Groot, M., Mihalache, O., & Elfring, T. (2022). Enhancing Enterprise Family Social Capital Through Family Governance: An Identity Perspective. Family Business Review35(3), 306–328.

Atanasiu, R., Ruotsalainen, R. and N. Khapova, S. (2022), A Simple Rule is Born: How CEOs Distill Heuristics. Journal of Management Studies

van Rietschoten, E. J., & van Bommel, K. (2022). A Critique of Utilitarian Trust: The Case of the Dutch Insurance Sector. Journal of Business Ethics.

de Groot, M. B., Mihalache, O. R., & Elfring, T. (2022). Toward a Theory of Family Social Capital in Wealthy Transgenerational Enterprise Families. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice46(1), 159-192.

Botke, J., Tims, M., Khapova, S. N., & Jansen, P. (2021). Transfer of self-leadership skills: A three-wave study within the Dutch Police. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology

Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., Oostrom, J. K., & Lysova, E. I. (2021). Personal brand equity: Scale development and validation. Personnel Psychology74(3), 505-542.

Schaefer, U., & Bouwmeester, O. (2021). Reconceptualizing moral disengagement as a process: Transcending overly liberal and overly conservative practice in the field: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(3), 525-543. doi:   

PhD dissertations and journal publications

  • Recent PhD dissertations

    Giovanni Manchia (July 2024): What shapes employees' sense of employer obligations?: A quest for decoding psychological contract antecedents 

    Link to dissertation will follow

    Stef Schinagl (May 2024): Digital Security Governance: From the Basement to the Boardroom.

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    Dave Kiwi (May 2024): Fostering Innovation in Public Sector Organizations: Antecedents and Processes of Effective Reorientation and Legitimation.

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    Wenjia Chang (May 2024): Follow the People instead of the Money: HR Integration Process in post-M&As.

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    Yoeri Klok (Cum Laude, December 2023): Emotional dynamics during post-acquisition integration

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    Susan der Kinderen (October 2023): Eudaimonia and eudaimonic well-being behaviours: Well-doing as a route to well-being at work.

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    Timo Paumen (June 2023): Shaping M&A Deal Outcomes: From Failure to Enabling Better M&A Performance.

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    Radu Atanasiu (Cum Laude, June 2023): Simple rules made simple: The origins and outcomes of managerial heuristics.

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    Sophie Bouland-van Dam (February 2023): Unraveling leadership potential: Learning agility as a long-term predictor of growth in effective leader behaviors.

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    Erik van Rietschoten (May 2022): Intrinsic trust: Towards pursuing a proper mixture of self- and common interests within the good organizational practice. 

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    Jolanda Botke (November 2021): Understanding the Transfer-to-Work of Soft Skills Training: Examining Transfer Stages, the Role of Work Factors and Self-Efficacy. 

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    Martina Kersten-Poláková (October 2021): Navigating the Tensions of Digital Transformation in High Reliability Organizations. 

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    Tünde Erdös (April 2021): Change process beyond goals: The client in the context of the working alliance in coaching. 

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    Maarten de Groot (March 2021): Cracking the Code on Wealth Preservation: It is not about Money: A study of wealth preservation in enterprise families who share ownership of multiple assets and multiple entities across multiple generations. 

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    Ulf Schäfer (March 2021): Moral disengagement as a social phenomenon: Effects of moral disengagement on moral judgments of others and shared cognition in groups. 

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    Lara Tcholakian (December 2020): On Becoming Historically Conscious Leaders: Exploring The Underlying Effects Of Transgenerational Transmission of Collective Traumas. 

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    Marilieke Engbers (October 2020): How the unsaid shapes decision-making in boards: A reflexive exploration of paradigms in the boardroom. 

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    Emilia Bunea (September 2020): Leading and Leisure: How serious leisure influences leaders' development and effectiveness. 

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    Luc Glasbeek (May 2020): Social Enterprises with Exceedingly Tight Resources: Implications for Work and Leadership. 

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    Sergey Gorbatov (December 2019): Personal branding: Self-presentation in contemporary careers.

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    Agota Szabo (November 2019): Adoption of governance practices in hospitals: The role of directors’ multi-level frames in the governance decision-making process in the boardroom. 

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  • Recent journal publications

    van Rietschoten, E., & van Bommel, K. (2024). Toward a contemporary understanding of organizational trust in socio-economic systems: Connecting theoretical perspectives of the management and business ethics literature. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 00, 1–29.

    Ngah, E., Tjemkes, BV., & Dekker, H.  (2023). Relational Dynamics in Information Technology Outsourcing: An Integrative Review and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Management Reviews.

    Ghaempanah, B. & Khapova, S.N. (2023) Gender inequality in academia from the perspective of the dialogical self: beyond ‘autonomous men’ and ‘relational women’. Gender and Education, DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2023.2242367

    Paumen, T., Kroon, D.P., & Khapova, S.N. (2023). How Private Equity Investors Drive M&A Performance. In C.L. Cooper and S. Finkelstein (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. doi/10.1108/S1479-361X20230000022009/full/html

    Poláková - Kersten, M., Khanagha, S., Hooff, van den, B. & Khapova S.N. (2023). Digital transformation in high-reliability organizations: A longitudinal study of the micro-foundations of failure. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems.

    Tcholakian, L.A., Khapova, S.N. & Loo, E. van de (2023). Historical Consciousness in Executive Education Programs: Engaging with Transgenerational Collective Traumas. Academy of Management Learning & Education.

    Bryant, R., Lysova, E.I. & Khapova, S.N. (2023). Calling for a meaningful contribution? Bridging contributing to society with motivation theory. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1186547

    Klok, Y., Kroon, D.P., & Khapova, S.N. (2022). The role of emotions during mergers and acquisitions: A review of the past and a glimpse into the future. International Journal of Management Reviews.

    de Groot, M., Mihalache, O., & Elfring, T. (2022). Enhancing Enterprise Family Social Capital Through Family Governance: An Identity Perspective. Family Business Review35(3), 306–328.

    Atanasiu, R., Ruotsalainen, R. and N. Khapova, S. (2022), A Simple Rule is Born: How CEOs Distill Heuristics. Journal of Management Studies.

    van Rietschoten, E. J., & van Bommel, K. (2022). A Critique of Utilitarian Trust: The Case of the Dutch Insurance Sector. Journal of Business Ethics.

    Schinagl, S., Shahim, A., & Khapova, S.N. (2022). Paradoxical tensions in the implementation of digital security governance: Toward an ambidextrous approach to governing digital security. Computers & Security. 

    de Groot, M. B., Mihalache, O. R., & Elfring, T. (2022). Toward a Theory of Family Social Capital in Wealthy Transgenerational Enterprise Families. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice46(1), 159-192.

    Paumen,T., Kroon D.P., Khapova S.N. (2022). Consequences of M&A team composition for deal outcomes: An inductive study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 2022. https://doi-org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.931025     

    Gersdorf-Van den Berg, M. E., Akkermans, J., Hoeksema, L. H., & Khapova, S. N. (2022). The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Exploring Attributes of Team Work Engagement Climate. Group and Organization Management

    Dassler, A., Khapova, S. N., Lysova, E. I., & Korotov, K. (2022). Employer Attractiveness From an Employee Perspective: A Systematic Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology13, [858217].

    Erdös, T., & Jansen, P. (2022). Movement synchrony over time: What's in the trajectory of dyadic interactions in workplace coaching? Frontiers in Psychology.

    Botke, J., Tims, M., Khapova, S. N., & Jansen, P. (2021). Transfer of self-leadership skills: A three-wave study within the Dutch Police. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology

    Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., Oostrom, J. K., & Lysova, E. I. (2021). Personal brand equity: Scale development and validation. Personnel Psychology74(3), 505-542.

    Schaefer, U., & Onno, B. (2021). Reconceptualizing moral disengagement as a process: Transcending overly liberal and overly conservative practice in the field: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(3), 525-543. doi:   

    Atanasiu, R. (2021). The lifecycle of heuristics as managerial proverbs. Management Decision, Vol. 59 No. 7, pp. 1617-1641.

    Bouland-van Dam, S.I.M., Oostrom, J.K., De Kock, F.S., Schlechter, A.F. & Jansen, P.G.W. (2021). Unravelling leadership potential: conceptual and measurement issues. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 30:2, 206-224, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2020.1787503

    Klijn, A. F. J., Tims, M., Lysova, E. I., & Khapova, S. N. (2021). Personal energy at work: A systematic review. Sustainability (Switzerland)13(23), 1-49. [13490].

    Klijn, A. F. J., Tims, M., Lysova, E. I., & Khapova, S. N. (2021). Construct dimensionality of personal energy at work and its relationship with health, absenteeism and productivity. Sustainability (Switzerland)13(23), 1-13. [13132].

    Erdös, T., de Haan, E., & Heusinkveld, S. (2021). Coaching: client factors & contextual dynamics in the change process: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Coaching. 14(2), 162-183.

    Ghaempanah, B., & Khapova, S. N. (2020). Identity play and the stories we live by. Journal of Organizational Change Management33(5), 683-695.

    der Kinderen, S., Valk, A., Khapova, S. N., & Tims, M. (2020). Facilitating eudaimonic well-being in mental health care organizations: The role of servant leadership and workplace civility climate. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(4), 1-17. [1173].

    Schinagl, S., & Shahim, A. (2020). What do we know about information security governance? “From the basement to the boardroom”: towards digital security governance. Information and Computer Security, 28(2), 261-292.

    Bunea, E-M., Lysova, E., & Khapova, S. N. (2020). I am More than a Caricature: Why Some CEOs Openly Invest in a Serious Leisure Interest. Academy of Management Proceedings2020(1), [2020.10309].

    Gorbatov, S., Hamori, M., Khapova, S. N., Lysova, E. I., & Oostrom, J. (2020). More than a course: Participation in MOOCs to signal professional value. In K. Setzekorn, C. Farrelly, N. S. Patnayakuni, & T. Burton (Eds.), Socioeconomics, diversity, and the politics of online education (pp. 50-77). (Advances in Mobile and Distance Learning (AMDL) Book Series). IGI Global.

    Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., & Lysova, E. I. (2019). Get Noticed to Get Ahead: The Impact of Personal Branding on Career Success. Frontiers in Psychology10, [2662].

    Tcholakian, L. A., Khapova, S. N., van de Loo, E., & Lehman, R. (2019). Collective traumas and the development of leader values: A currently omitted, but increasingly urgent, research area. Frontiers in Psychology10(MAY), 1-13. [1009].

    Botke, J. A., Jansen, P., Khapova, S. N., & Tims, M. (2018). Work factors influencing the transfer stages of soft skills training: A literature review. Educational Research Review24, 130-147.

    Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., & Lysova, E. I. (2018). Personal branding: Interdisciplinary systematic review and research agenda. Frontiers in Psychology9(November), 1-17. [2238].

Participants and alumni

Get in touch with participants and alumni from the programme.

Dr. Sergey Gorbatov

Director VU Knowledge Hub for Feedback Culture

Sophie Bouland - van Dam, PhD candidate

PhD project title: Unraveling leadership potential: Learning agility as a long-term predictor of growth in effective leader behaviors

Timo Paumen, PhD candidate

PhD project title: M&A Deal Outcomes – A Multilevel & Longitudinal Evaluation of Different Perspectives

Timo Paumen (M&O)

Radu Atanasiu, PhD candidate

PhD project title: How and why do managers create heuristics?

Elvis Ngah, PhD candidate

PhD project title: Relational dynamics in IT outsourcing: A tension-based perspective

Elsbeth van Riessen, PhD candidate

PhD project title: Stay Calm and Carry on: How does a team coach facilitate a team process while the tension emerges and continues?

Charlotte Goedmakers, PhD candidate

PhD project title: Professional Identity Development of Executive Coaches' explores how independent professionals develop their own signature and still are recognizable as a group.

Raymond Bierens, PhD candidate

PhD project title: In search of Digital Security Risk Management

Sonja van Uden, PhD candidate

PhD project title: Temporary project organisations: The influence of project leaders on the achievement of project success.

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