From September 2022 onwards, you will also find an overview of alumni from the programme on this page.
ABRI Part-time PhD: Publications, dissertations and alumni
Highlighted journal articles
Ngah, E., Tjemkes, BV., & Dekker, H. (Accepted/In press ) (2023). Relational Dynamics in Information Technology Outsourcing: An Integrative Review and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Management Reviews.
Tcholakian, L.A., Khapova, S.N. & Loo, E. van de (2023). Historical Consciousness in Executive Education Programs: Engaging with Transgenerational Collective Traumas. Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Klok, Y., Kroon, D.P., & Khapova, S.N. (2022). The role of emotions during mergers and acquisitions: A review of the past and a glimpse into the future. International Journal of Management Reviews.
de Groot, M., Mihalache, O., & Elfring, T. (2022). Enhancing Enterprise Family Social Capital Through Family Governance: An Identity Perspective. Family Business Review, 35(3), 306–328.
Atanasiu, R., Ruotsalainen, R. and N. Khapova, S. (2022), A Simple Rule is Born: How CEOs Distill Heuristics. Journal of Management Studies.
van Rietschoten, E. J., & van Bommel, K. (2022). A Critique of Utilitarian Trust: The Case of the Dutch Insurance Sector. Journal of Business Ethics.
de Groot, M. B., Mihalache, O. R., & Elfring, T. (2022). Toward a Theory of Family Social Capital in Wealthy Transgenerational Enterprise Families. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(1), 159-192.
Botke, J., Tims, M., Khapova, S. N., & Jansen, P. (2021). Transfer of self-leadership skills: A three-wave study within the Dutch Police. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.
Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., Oostrom, J. K., & Lysova, E. I. (2021). Personal brand equity: Scale development and validation. Personnel Psychology, 74(3), 505-542.
Schaefer, U., & Bouwmeester, O. (2021). Reconceptualizing moral disengagement as a process: Transcending overly liberal and overly conservative practice in the field: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(3), 525-543. doi:
PhD dissertations and journal publications
Recent PhD dissertations
Giovanni Manchia (July 2024): What shapes employees' sense of employer obligations?: A quest for decoding psychological contract antecedents
Link to dissertation will follow
Stef Schinagl (May 2024): Digital Security Governance: From the Basement to the Boardroom.
Dave Kiwi (May 2024): Fostering Innovation in Public Sector Organizations: Antecedents and Processes of Effective Reorientation and Legitimation.
Wenjia Chang (May 2024): Follow the People instead of the Money: HR Integration Process in post-M&As.
Yoeri Klok (Cum Laude, December 2023): Emotional dynamics during post-acquisition integration.
Susan der Kinderen (October 2023): Eudaimonia and eudaimonic well-being behaviours: Well-doing as a route to well-being at work.
Timo Paumen (June 2023): Shaping M&A Deal Outcomes: From Failure to Enabling Better M&A Performance.
Radu Atanasiu (Cum Laude, June 2023): Simple rules made simple: The origins and outcomes of managerial heuristics.
Sophie Bouland-van Dam (February 2023): Unraveling leadership potential: Learning agility as a long-term predictor of growth in effective leader behaviors.
Erik van Rietschoten (May 2022): Intrinsic trust: Towards pursuing a proper mixture of self- and common interests within the good organizational practice.
Jolanda Botke (November 2021): Understanding the Transfer-to-Work of Soft Skills Training: Examining Transfer Stages, the Role of Work Factors and Self-Efficacy.
Martina Kersten-Poláková (October 2021): Navigating the Tensions of Digital Transformation in High Reliability Organizations.
Tünde Erdös (April 2021): Change process beyond goals: The client in the context of the working alliance in coaching.
Maarten de Groot (March 2021): Cracking the Code on Wealth Preservation: It is not about Money: A study of wealth preservation in enterprise families who share ownership of multiple assets and multiple entities across multiple generations.
Ulf Schäfer (March 2021): Moral disengagement as a social phenomenon: Effects of moral disengagement on moral judgments of others and shared cognition in groups.
Lara Tcholakian (December 2020): On Becoming Historically Conscious Leaders: Exploring The Underlying Effects Of Transgenerational Transmission of Collective Traumas.
Marilieke Engbers (October 2020): How the unsaid shapes decision-making in boards: A reflexive exploration of paradigms in the boardroom.
Emilia Bunea (September 2020): Leading and Leisure: How serious leisure influences leaders' development and effectiveness.
Luc Glasbeek (May 2020): Social Enterprises with Exceedingly Tight Resources: Implications for Work and Leadership.
Sergey Gorbatov (December 2019): Personal branding: Self-presentation in contemporary careers.
Agota Szabo (November 2019): Adoption of governance practices in hospitals: The role of directors’ multi-level frames in the governance decision-making process in the boardroom.
Recent journal publications
van Rietschoten, E., & van Bommel, K. (2024). Toward a contemporary understanding of organizational trust in socio-economic systems: Connecting theoretical perspectives of the management and business ethics literature. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 00, 1–29.
Ngah, E., Tjemkes, BV., & Dekker, H. (2023). Relational Dynamics in Information Technology Outsourcing: An Integrative Review and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Management Reviews.
Ghaempanah, B. & Khapova, S.N. (2023) Gender inequality in academia from the perspective of the dialogical self: beyond ‘autonomous men’ and ‘relational women’. Gender and Education, DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2023.2242367
Paumen, T., Kroon, D.P., & Khapova, S.N. (2023). How Private Equity Investors Drive M&A Performance. In C.L. Cooper and S. Finkelstein (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. doi/10.1108/S1479-361X20230000022009/full/html
Poláková - Kersten, M., Khanagha, S., Hooff, van den, B. & Khapova S.N. (2023). Digital transformation in high-reliability organizations: A longitudinal study of the micro-foundations of failure. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
Tcholakian, L.A., Khapova, S.N. & Loo, E. van de (2023). Historical Consciousness in Executive Education Programs: Engaging with Transgenerational Collective Traumas. Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Bryant, R., Lysova, E.I. & Khapova, S.N. (2023). Calling for a meaningful contribution? Bridging contributing to society with motivation theory. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1186547
Klok, Y., Kroon, D.P., & Khapova, S.N. (2022). The role of emotions during mergers and acquisitions: A review of the past and a glimpse into the future. International Journal of Management Reviews.
de Groot, M., Mihalache, O., & Elfring, T. (2022). Enhancing Enterprise Family Social Capital Through Family Governance: An Identity Perspective. Family Business Review, 35(3), 306–328.
Atanasiu, R., Ruotsalainen, R. and N. Khapova, S. (2022), A Simple Rule is Born: How CEOs Distill Heuristics. Journal of Management Studies.
van Rietschoten, E. J., & van Bommel, K. (2022). A Critique of Utilitarian Trust: The Case of the Dutch Insurance Sector. Journal of Business Ethics.
Schinagl, S., Shahim, A., & Khapova, S.N. (2022). Paradoxical tensions in the implementation of digital security governance: Toward an ambidextrous approach to governing digital security. Computers & Security.
de Groot, M. B., Mihalache, O. R., & Elfring, T. (2022). Toward a Theory of Family Social Capital in Wealthy Transgenerational Enterprise Families. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(1), 159-192.
Paumen,T., Kroon D.P., Khapova S.N. (2022). Consequences of M&A team composition for deal outcomes: An inductive study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 2022. https://doi-org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.931025
Gersdorf-Van den Berg, M. E., Akkermans, J., Hoeksema, L. H., & Khapova, S. N. (2022). The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Exploring Attributes of Team Work Engagement Climate. Group and Organization Management.
Dassler, A., Khapova, S. N., Lysova, E. I., & Korotov, K. (2022). Employer Attractiveness From an Employee Perspective: A Systematic Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, [858217].
Erdös, T., & Jansen, P. (2022). Movement synchrony over time: What's in the trajectory of dyadic interactions in workplace coaching? Frontiers in Psychology.
Botke, J., Tims, M., Khapova, S. N., & Jansen, P. (2021). Transfer of self-leadership skills: A three-wave study within the Dutch Police. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.
Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., Oostrom, J. K., & Lysova, E. I. (2021). Personal brand equity: Scale development and validation. Personnel Psychology, 74(3), 505-542.
Schaefer, U., & Onno, B. (2021). Reconceptualizing moral disengagement as a process: Transcending overly liberal and overly conservative practice in the field: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 172(3), 525-543. doi:
Atanasiu, R. (2021). The lifecycle of heuristics as managerial proverbs. Management Decision, Vol. 59 No. 7, pp. 1617-1641.
Bouland-van Dam, S.I.M., Oostrom, J.K., De Kock, F.S., Schlechter, A.F. & Jansen, P.G.W. (2021). Unravelling leadership potential: conceptual and measurement issues. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 30:2, 206-224, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2020.1787503
Klijn, A. F. J., Tims, M., Lysova, E. I., & Khapova, S. N. (2021). Personal energy at work: A systematic review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(23), 1-49. [13490].
Klijn, A. F. J., Tims, M., Lysova, E. I., & Khapova, S. N. (2021). Construct dimensionality of personal energy at work and its relationship with health, absenteeism and productivity. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(23), 1-13. [13132].
Erdös, T., de Haan, E., & Heusinkveld, S. (2021). Coaching: client factors & contextual dynamics in the change process: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Coaching. 14(2), 162-183.
Ghaempanah, B., & Khapova, S. N. (2020). Identity play and the stories we live by. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(5), 683-695.
der Kinderen, S., Valk, A., Khapova, S. N., & Tims, M. (2020). Facilitating eudaimonic well-being in mental health care organizations: The role of servant leadership and workplace civility climate. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4), 1-17. [1173].
Schinagl, S., & Shahim, A. (2020). What do we know about information security governance? “From the basement to the boardroom”: towards digital security governance. Information and Computer Security, 28(2), 261-292.
Bunea, E-M., Lysova, E., & Khapova, S. N. (2020). I am More than a Caricature: Why Some CEOs Openly Invest in a Serious Leisure Interest. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), [2020.10309].
Gorbatov, S., Hamori, M., Khapova, S. N., Lysova, E. I., & Oostrom, J. (2020). More than a course: Participation in MOOCs to signal professional value. In K. Setzekorn, C. Farrelly, N. S. Patnayakuni, & T. Burton (Eds.), Socioeconomics, diversity, and the politics of online education (pp. 50-77). (Advances in Mobile and Distance Learning (AMDL) Book Series). IGI Global.
Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., & Lysova, E. I. (2019). Get Noticed to Get Ahead: The Impact of Personal Branding on Career Success. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, [2662].
Tcholakian, L. A., Khapova, S. N., van de Loo, E., & Lehman, R. (2019). Collective traumas and the development of leader values: A currently omitted, but increasingly urgent, research area. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(MAY), 1-13. [1009].
Botke, J. A., Jansen, P., Khapova, S. N., & Tims, M. (2018). Work factors influencing the transfer stages of soft skills training: A literature review. Educational Research Review, 24, 130-147.
Gorbatov, S., Khapova, S. N., & Lysova, E. I. (2018). Personal branding: Interdisciplinary systematic review and research agenda. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(November), 1-17. [2238].
Participants and alumni
Get in touch with participants and alumni from the programme.
Dr. Sergey Gorbatov
Director VU Knowledge Hub for Feedback Culture
Sophie Bouland - van Dam, PhD candidate
PhD project title: Unraveling leadership potential: Learning agility as a long-term predictor of growth in effective leader behaviors
Timo Paumen, PhD candidate
PhD project title: M&A Deal Outcomes – A Multilevel & Longitudinal Evaluation of Different Perspectives

Radu Atanasiu, PhD candidate
PhD project title: How and why do managers create heuristics?
Elvis Ngah, PhD candidate
PhD project title: Relational dynamics in IT outsourcing: A tension-based perspective
Elsbeth van Riessen, PhD candidate
PhD project title: Stay Calm and Carry on: How does a team coach facilitate a team process while the tension emerges and continues?

Charlotte Goedmakers, PhD candidate
PhD project title: Professional Identity Development of Executive Coaches' explores how independent professionals develop their own signature and still are recognizable as a group.

Raymond Bierens, PhD candidate
PhD project title: In search of Digital Security Risk Management

Sonja van Uden, PhD candidate
PhD project title: Temporary project organisations: The influence of project leaders on the achievement of project success.