Rapid, high-resolution and 3D mechanical characterization of biofilms using a new approach
Ari Rolando Ortiz-Moreno
Biofilms are complex three-dimensional structures where bacteria are embedded in a mechanically rigid matrix, enhancing their survival and resistance to antibiotics. This creates significant challenges for global healthcare. To effectively control and mitigate harmful biofilms, characterizing their mechanical properties is crucial. Ortiz-Moreno will utilize the patented Infrared Stimulated Brillouin Microscopy (IR-SBM) method to effectively characterize biofilms. Using this method, he will non-invasively characterize the 3D mechanical properties of biomaterials in real-time. Our approach is highly sensitive, cost-effective and does not require labelling, making it ideal for the characterization of biofilms.
Modified Cyclodextrins for 19F-MRI Diagnostic Imaging of Early-Stage Cardiovascular Disease
David Poole
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and regression is only possible at early stages that are poorly assessed by current diagnostic lipid panels or imaging. Poole outlines the development of a novel diagnostic approach utilizing beta-cyclodextrins for indirect 19F magnetic resonance imaging of in vivo cholesterol distributions for early presentation of the disease, supported by in vitro an ex vivo experiments. By enabling indirect imaging of cholesterol, this approach develops the basis for diagnostic clinical quantitative imaging to revolutionize routine diagnosis and monitoring of disease and regression towards healthier and longer lives.
More information about the Open Competition ENW-XS and the other applications on the NWO website.