The average Dutch person works between 35 and 42 years. That’s precisely why this is a topic that should concern us. “Everyone has a career!” is a belief that underpins the research of Jos Akkermans. “Sometimes, it seems as if career development is only relevant for ambitious professionals or people in top positions. But that’s nonsense. Everyone has a career, whether you work in healthcare, education, or construction.” Akkermans, affiliated with the School of Business and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, aims to explore how we can shape our working lives in a way that keeps us happy, healthy, and productive.
Education, for example, is a sector where action is needed, Akkermans explains. “The shortages are immense, the workload is high, and career advancement opportunities are limited. The traditional ‘upward career path’ hardly exists in this field. If we want to keep this profession attractive, we must think about how to create growth and development opportunities for teachers. What happens to your career if you have spent years in the classroom and want to take the next step?”
According to Akkermans, a sustainable career is not just about promotions or reaching the highest possible position. “It’s a misconception that career advancement always means moving up. Sometimes, a lateral move is the better choice, for instance, if you want to spend more time with your family. It’s about having a career that suits you.” With the rapidly changing job market, Akkermans believes it is crucial for both employers and employees to proactively think about career development. “Employers should encourage their people to keep developing themselves. But as an individual, you also have a responsibility. Ask yourself: Who am I? Where do my talents lie? What makes me happy? The more actively you engage with these questions, the more sustainable your career will be.”
"Everyone a Sustainable Career: Wish or Reality?" is the title of the inaugural lecture that Jos Akkermans will deliver on March 28 at 3:45 PM at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.