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WO&MEN@VU screens "There’s Still Tomorrow (C'é ancora domani) (2023) on 7 June

27 May 2024
WO&MEN@VU cordially invites you to a screening of There’s Still Tomorrow (2023), a thought-provoking film that addresses feminist issues in society and politics with depth and nuance.

About the Movie: "Thereโ€™s Still Tomorrow" offers a candid portrayal of female empowerment, exploring the complexities and challenges faced by its characters amidst societal expectations and gender norms in post-WW2 Italy.

The film will be screened with English subtitles.

Trigger warning: the movie includes implicit portrayals of domestic violence.

Following the screening, there will be an opportunity for open dialogue and reflection on the film's themes, coordinated by the members of the WO&MEN@VU. Letโ€™s engage in meaningful conversations about the feminist struggle through the years, and connect with others interested in exploring feminist perspectives!

๐Ÿ“… Date: 7/6/2024 ๐Ÿ•– Time: 16:00 ๐Ÿ“ Location: VU Rialto

About us: WO&MEN@VU is a network of and for VU employees who want to improve gender equality between men and women.

The event is free but registration is necessary. Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to


16.00-16.05 Welcome

16.05-18.00 Screening

18.00-18.30 Discussion

18.30-19.00 Drinks


The network can be contacted by sending an e-mail to