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VU hoists SDG flag for a sustainable future

23 September 2024
On Wednesday 25 September, our university will raise the flag for the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) as part of SDG Action Week.

These Sustainable Development Goals, established by the United Nations, constitute a global action plan to address the most pressing social, economic and environmental challenges, such as poverty, inequality and climate change.

Raising the SDG flag symbolises our commitment as a university to contribute to these global goals. Not everyone in our community is yet familiar with what exactly the SDGs mean, but they are closely linked to our mission to take responsibility for people and planet. We strive for a just and sustainable world through our scientific and values-driven education and research. To this end, the SDGs are our benchmarks.

Our university works on the SDGs in numerous ways. For instance, we develop research projects focused on sustainable innovations, we work on a co2 reduction plan, we organise events and lectures around societal challenges and integrate sustainability into our educational programmes.

The SDG flag reminds us that together we can make a positive impact, both locally and globally. For more information on SDG Action Week, please visit and more information on sustainability at VU can be found here

Raising the flag shows that we are part of a global movement. Together we are building a sustainable future! 

The SDG flag will be hoisted by member of the Executive Board Marcel Nollen on Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, together with the Green Office and Sustainability Office VU..

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