The 18th EASA Biennial Conference will take place at the University of Barcelona. We are proud to see the contribution of the Vrije Universiteit’s Anthropology department to this years EASA conference
EASA, European Association of Social Anthropologists, is an organisation for European scholars in the field of Anthropology. The association is renowned for its academic journal SA/AS and for its biennial conference. The conferences are organised in a different cities, hosted by European universities.
Click here for the full programme.
VU Amsterdam, Anthropologists parcticpanting in 2024 EASA
- Dimitris Dalakoglou convenes the panel:
Crisis commons: un/doing human mutualities
- Flávio Eiró convenes the panel:
and he presents the paper: Identity politics and electoral competition in Brazil
- Sandhya Fuchs presents the paper: Rhetoric masculinities: police refusal, (il-)literacy, and the quest for recognition in Indian hate crime cases
- Leonidas Oikonomakis presents the paper: When a wind turbine flips its wings in China. The political economy of Balsa extractivism in the Amazonia Ecuatoriana and its cosmological dimensions
- Luisa Schneider is Discussant at the panel: Doing and undoing carcerality [Anthropology of Confinement Network]
and she presents the aoper:
- Eva van Roekel is chairing the panel:
Everyday economies of inflation: value, social repertoires, and political critique
and she presents the paper: