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Update development framework for international collaborations

3 July 2024
VU Amsterdam is developing a framework to assess the ethical and academic aspects of international collaborations. This framework is being developed at the request of the Executive Board and will evaluate international collaborations of VU Amsterdam against the university's values and international human rights standards.

The project team for the international collaboration assessment framework has developed the initial draft of the framework. This draft has been discussed with the Executive Board. Currently, extensive discussions are underway with a cross-section of the VU community, including staff, students, and experts. These discussions involve exploring the structure and boundaries with representatives from various groups, such as URC professors, the Works Council (OR), the University Student Council (USR), a representation from the protest movement, and members of the support organization. Additionally, ongoing consultations are being held with other Dutch universities to exchange experiences and share the current status. This input contributes to both the content of the framework and the design of the final assessment process.

On July 16th, the initial version of the framework will be discussed and submitted for approval to the Executive Board. As the framework is implemented in practice, adjustments and additions may be made based on experiences gained.