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Top achievements awarded with VU Education Awards

27 February 2024
The winners of the VU Education Awards 2024 have officially been announced: an initiative that highlights innovative achievements, individuals, and teams for their dedication and commitment to improving educational quality and promoting innovation at VU Amsterdam.

TeacherTalent Prize: Atze van der Ploeg, innovator in computer education
Atze van der Ploeg, a computer science lecturer at the BETA faculty, received the TeacherTalent Prize for his innovative teaching methods and his ability to present complex topics in an engaging and understandable manner. His commitment to improving education, combined with the use of innovative techniques, has gained recognition among both students and colleagues.

Education Innovation Prize: two winning teams
This year's Education Innovation Prize was awarded to two teams for their innovative contributions to education within the BETA faculty. The team of Joris Koene was recognized for their project "Digital anatomy: the anatomy lesson of the future," an initiative that transforms anatomy lessons with digital technologies to enrich traditional teaching material and overcome challenges such as limited teaching spaces and ethical concerns.

Ana Clara Cassanti and her team received this prize for their Diversity and Inclusion project, aimed at creating a safe and inclusive learning environment within the Earth Sciences and BETA programs. Their work, which has yielded significant insights and recommendations for educational improvement, is now entering its second phase with a focus on expansion and institutionalization.

Master's Thesis Prize: Riley Terzopoulos and her research on HPV Vaccination
Riley Terzopoulos, a student from the BETA faculty, won the Master's Thesis Prize with her research titled "Towards cervical cancer elimination: an exploration into the global variation of HPV vaccination programs and coverage." Riley's in-depth study reveals the complexity of decision-making around HPV vaccination policies and their impact on vaccination rates worldwide. Her work, offering key recommendations for future research and improvements in HPV vaccination programs, was praised for its thoroughness and impact.

StudentTalent Prize: Lotte Witké and her entrepreneurial talent
Lotte Witké, an Econometrics & Operational Research student at the School of Business and Economics (SBE), received the StudentTalent Prize for her entrepreneurship and positive impact through social media. As the founder of LotteLeert and former chair of the study association Kraket, Lotte has shared her passion for learning through TikTok and Instagram and her recently published book "Never Fail Again." With over 126,000 followers, Lotte has made a significant impact on students and schoolchildren across the country.