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The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Staff Exchanges (SE) European Award

28 May 2024
We are thrilled to announce that a consortium of researchers from several European institutes, including VU Amsterdam and Nikhef, along with international partners, has been awarded a prestigious MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Staff Exchange action. This award will facilitate new cross-domain collaborations in fundamental physics and artificial intelligence under the project titled High-Energy Intelligence (HeI).

The HeI project introduces an innovative research scheme in fundamental physics aimed at achieving significant scientific breakthroughs in the study of Quantum Field Theory. This research has critical applications in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), String Theory, and Quantum Gravity. The project focuses on addressing a range of outstanding problems in high-energy physics, aiming to obtain new insights through a combination of approaches:

  • Analytic and numerical methods of modern design
  • Conformal and S-matrix bootstrap techniques
  • Integrability methods
  • Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms

From the Amsterdam node, Juan Rojo will lead efforts to develop novel AI strategies to scrutinize proton structure. These techniques will be connected to other areas of fundamental physics, leveraging recent advancements in AI and ML to push the boundaries of our understanding.

The awarded funding of EUR 700,000 will support these cutting-edge research activities over the next four years. This grant will enable our researchers to explore new frontiers in high-energy physics and artificial intelligence, fostering a collaborative environment that bridges multiple disciplines and institutes across Europe.