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Support is crucial in journey to a healthy weight

15 January 2024
To stay at a healthy weight in the long term, it is essential to adapt your lifestyle. However, a good support network is also essential. This is evident from the research conducted by health scientist Marie Spreckley. She followed a group of individuals for two years in their journey towards a healthy weight.

Daily routines
Spreckley's research reveals that people primarily lose weight because they want to improve their health and enhance their self-esteem. "The study shows that people succeed in maintaining weight when they manage to effectively integrate healthier habits into their daily routines. Most successes were achieved by individuals who adapted their lifestyles and had a strong support network in place. This includes the social environment, peers, or healthcare providers. This is a crucial aspect," says Spreckley. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic had both motivating and demotivating effects. It served as a stimulus for positive change but could also be an obstacle to persisting in weight loss efforts.

Providing continuous support
The research emphasises the importance of flexible, personalised strategies, and ongoing support. This enables individuals to achieve and sustain a healthy weight. In this approach, healthcare providers, policymakers, and everyone involved in addressing (severe) obesity should take into account the changing life circumstances of individuals and provide continuous support.

Improving overall wellbeing and lifestyle
The approach of healthcare providers also contributes to achieving positive outcomes. It is crucial that this approach is flexible, realistic, and non-judgmental. Healthcare providers should focus on overall lifestyle improvements, as this can lead to a better quality of life and improved health outcomes for patients. Regardless of the amount of weight loss achieved. For example, someone struggling to maintain weight may benefit more from an approach that enhances their overall well-being and lifestyle, rather than one solely focused on weight loss.

Lastly, it is essential to address broader issues in the food environment. For instance, there is an abundance of fast-food offerings in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Policymakers should implement systemic changes, such as taxing sugary beverages, to encourage healthier eating habits at the population level.

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