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Protest campus square

17 May 2024
On Friday, May 17, a number of students and staff members protested on the campus square of Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. The protest was peaceful. "We have seen that there is great involvement among students and staff in what is happening now in Gaza. We endorse the importance of a respectful dialogue within VU Amsterdam. After all, that is what a university is for," according to the vice-chair of the Executive Board Marcel Nollen. 

In recent weeks, the Executive Board has spoken with various groups in the VU community. These conversations will continue in the coming weeks. At the request of students and staff, VU facilitates the opportunity to organize peaceful activities that touch on the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories. In order for activities to be orderly and safe, permission must be requested. In addition, participants must comply with VU's house rules and code of conduct.

VU Amsterdam is grateful that it was a peaceful protest and thanks the students and staff, the municipality of Amsterdam and the police region Amsterdam Amstelland for their support and cooperation.

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