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Panopto replaces Kaltura and Mediasite: download your videos

10 January 2024
VU Amsterdam is switching to a new video application: Panopto. The current two video applications Kaltura ( and Mediasite ( will be phased out and replaced by Panopto.

Important dates

Closure of Kaltura and Mediasite
Videos from students will not be migrated from Kaltura and Mediasite to Panopto. 

  • Videos and any other files stored under student accounts (My Media) in Mediasite are no longer accessible to students. 
  • Videos and any other files in Kaltura ( are available to download to students until 1 september 2024

After these dates Kaltura ( and Mediasite will no longer be accessible to VU students. Be sure to download videos you want to save before this date and secure them elsewhere. In Panopto students will not be able to save private videos.

Downloading and securing videos

If, as a student, you have videos on Kaltura that you want to save, you must download and save them yourself. By default the option to download a video is not always available. Thus, the owner of the video, often you, must set this first.

You can download your videos on Kaltura by following these instructions. In Canvas, only the original video format (source file) is available for download, which is usually mp4. On Kaltura, there are more video formats available to choose from.

Click here to go to Kaltura (
Click here to go to Mediasite


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