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New Program Director Physics and Astronomy Joint Degree BSc: Chase Broedersz

10 July 2024
Chase Broedersz, Associate Professor of the Physics and Astronomy department at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, has been appointed as the new Program Director for the Bachelor's program in Physics and Astronomy. His term as program director will commence in September, 2024.

We look forward to an exciting chapter of growth, development, and success for BSc Physics and Astronomy joint degree program under his leadership.

At the same time, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the previous program director, Prof. Anna L. Watts. Her unwavering dedication and hard work have significantly contributed to the success of the Physics and Astronomy joint degree program.

About Chase Broedersz

Chase Broedersz received his PhD from the Vrije University in Amsterdam in 2011 on the mechanics and dynamics of biopolymer networks. He then moved to Princeton University where he was awarded a Lewis-Sigler Fellowship to perform independent research on the physics of living systems as an associate research scholar and lecturer.  In 2015, Chase started his research group with an appointment as a W2-Professor in statistical and biological physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and was tenured in 2020. From 2017-2020, he was awarded with a membership in the Young College of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Since 2020, Chase is an associate professor at the VU in Amsterdam in the theoretical physics of living systems with a secondary affiliation at the LMU in Munich. In 2023, he received an ERC Consolidator grant.