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New office supplies supplier

18 April 2024
The office supplies contract was recently re-tendered. From 1 May, Staples will become VU Amsterdam and ACTA's new supplier of office supplies.


Staples has set up a webshop, which will be online from 1 May. The start-up of the webshop requires some processing time so please note that the webshop may be temporarily unavailable. We are doing all we can to get the webshop live as soon as possible. Lyreco's webshop will be taken offline on 30 April.

Sustainable ordering

When you place an order, we encourage sustainable choices. In the webshop, you can choose from a wide range, with almost every product having a sustainable alternative. Moreover, it is more sustainable to bundle orders; this saves transport movements, packaging material, handling and administrative burden. We therefore recommend placing one large order rather than regular small orders.


Staples makes weekly deliveries on Thursdays. Orders placed before noon on Wednesday will be delivered the next day. In most cases, VU's Logistics Department will deliver orders to departments on the same day.