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Need feedback on how to improve your mental health?

7 February 2024
Are you curious about the status of your mental health? And would you like to contribute to scientific research in the process? Fill out the Mental Health Check, and get personalized advice on your scores in various domains such as stress or mood.

The Mental Health Check, an annual survey sent out by Caring Universities, provides insight into the state of students' mental health. In addition to contributing to scientific research, participants in this survey also receive personalised advice about their mental health after completing the survey.

Besides this, Caring Universities also uses the outcomes of Mental Health Check to develop e-health programmes to match the needs of students. These online programs are thus research-based and have proven to be effective. If you are a student participating in the e-health programs, you will receive personalised online support. All programs can be followed anonymously. Anytime, anywhere!

Are you curious to know how you are really doing? Do the Mental Health Check and receive personalised feedback to take the next steps!

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we’re happy to help!

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