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26 April 2024
Convergent origins and losses of multicellularity in the fungal world.

Dr. Laszlo G. Nagy

Biological Research Centre, Szeged; Hungary

Dr. Laszlo G. Nagy is an evolutionary biologist and mycologist who works to uncover general principles of the evolution of complexity, genome evolution, and multicellularity, as well as mechanisms of convergent evolution. His research uses fungi as model systems and combines comparative, computational and experimental approaches. In his work Dr. Nagy, strive to address recalcitrant and broad questions in fungal and evolutionary biology and he is always on the lookout for translating basic research to applications in fungal biotechnology


Fungi show fascinating transitions in complexity level. They evolved simple (filamentous) multicellularity around 700 million years ago. Filamentous fungi evolved complex multicellular fruiting bodies at least 8 times independently and have reversed to unicellular growth at least 14 times in various groups during evolution. In my lab we explore evolutionary, genomics and morphogenetic underpinnings of these transitions, with the aim of gleaning general principles of convergent evolution.

May 14th, 2024 -15:45 @MF-A307 - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

This seminar is organized by the Ecology and Evolution section, A-LIFE.
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