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Maikel Wijtmans wins faculty teaching award

19 March 2024
Every year, the Faculty Student Council awards the faculty teaching prize. This prize is awarded to two lecturers. This year, Maikel Wijtmans received the prize for best lecturer on behalf of the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Nadine: Good morning Maikel. First of all, congratulations on winning the faculty teaching award! I can imagine it's a great honour. How did you feel when you were told you had won?
Maikel: Thank you Nadine. I am very happy about the award. I must admit that I am quite insecure by nature, so then to receive such appreciation feels really great. I also put a lot of energy into my teaching.

Nadine: I can imagine that! It's really nice to hear that your dedication is rewarded. How would you say you have grown as a teacher over the years?
Maikel: That's a fun question. The moment you get to receive this award you naturally start reflecting on the past years. When I look back on my early years, I remember how I certainly did make rookie mistakes. But over the years, I learned a lot and grew. Experience has helped me better anticipate students' needs and thoughts. I have also learnt that I can suddenly have angelic patience for teaching, even though I am not that patient by nature!

Nadine: That sounds like quite a journey of personal and professional growth! How do you handle interaction in your college?
Maikel: I think it is very important to create an (inter)active, open and enthusiastic learning environment. I like to see the students as fellow researchers, we take a journey through the world of science together. I use all kinds of tricks to interact with the students. For example, during my lectures, I use an app where students can answer questions and I have lab pre-courses where me and the group of students engage in discussions with each other. It is important to explore science together without necessarily always having a "right" answer.

Nadine: That sounds like a really exciting way to lecture! Do you have a specific memory of a student that has stuck with you?
Maikel: Well, actually, in general, I like watching students grow throughout their studies and become more and more enthusiastic about a direction that fascinates them. No matter how they come in, it's cool to see how they develop. I enjoy the teaching process and find it interesting to be academically challenged by students. It keeps me on my toes as a teacher but also as a researcher! 

Nadine: That sounds really inspiring! And in terms of your research, what are you currently focusing on?
Maikel: Currently, I am working mainly in the field of organic synthesis in a medicinal context, where we try to make new molecules that have not been synthesised before. We hope, of course, that these molecules show interesting biological activities. It really is a fascinating field that I am passionate about. Chemistry plays an important role in my work, but also in the study of Pharmaceutical Sciences. So during information sessions, I always make it clear that for this study, you have to find chemistry in a biological context interesting.

Nadine: Before we conclude, Maikel, I asked for some nice references from the students. The way you narrate and lecture clearly match here as well. I want to thank you for your time and the nice conversation we had together.

Wolf Wiekart - Master student DDS: I find Maikel one of the most energetic and enthusiastic lecturers of our study. He is always at the front of the room with pure passion and a big smile. Even when people do not share the same interests, he does his utmost to help them and explain it to them. For his subjects, he has always prepared everything so that the layout is clear and convenient for everyone. Nominate him for next year as well!

Roy Zuidema -Chairman VCSVU: When I first met Maikel as a lecturer in my first year, I was immediately impressed by his passion and enthusiasm. His lively way of lecturing livened up even Monday mornings. His dedication to explaining his field to us is invaluable. As pharmaceutical sciences students, we are proud of his achievements and happy to have him as a lecturer.

First-year undergraduate student FAR: His enthusiasm also motivates students. Maikel is a genuinely kind and understanding lecturer who wants students to learn.

Maikel: I certainly enjoy reading this. It totally fits with how I like to shape my teaching. Thanks Nadine for this nice elaboration and the time you put into it.