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Launch of Ethnographic Impact Lab

7 June 2024
Kickstart event of Ethnographic Impact Lab

Click here to register for the official launch of the Ethnographic Impact Lab:

On 25th of June 2024 join the Department of Anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for an inspiring seminar that explores new potentials of ethnography in driving positive societal change. The event marks the launch of the Ethnographic Impact Lab.

The program starts with an agenda-setting presentation by public anthropologist Dan Podjed, renowned for his extensive experience with (international) collaborative projects with societal stakeholders and industry partners. Dan Podjed will explore the concept of “crisolation”—the blend of crisis and isolation that defines modern life—and will offer practical suggestions on how ethnography and collaborative projects can pave the way for new constructive perspectives and solutions for practical dilemmas.

In the second part of the seminar, professionals from diverse fields will share their experiences in addressing the problems and crises they face in their professional lives and highlight how ethnographic approaches and collaboration with anthropologists at VU have generated valuable insights and innovative solutions for their professional practice.

The event will conclude with a networking session, offering space to connect, exchange ideas, and build new partnerships over drinks and snacks.