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Koen Hindriks in

4 March 2024
We should work on what we call “hybrid models” where both, the AI and medical providers deliver treatment plans.

“I’m not very much in favour of setting up a social experiment,” says Koen Hindriks, “To publish something online, then wait to see what happens - and for the rest we don’t have much control over it. Doing that we don’t really learn much – social media have proven that before. We can still feel the consequences of such actions, as well as the missing regulations. In fact we could say: by now we know, that if you publish something online, much of what we can’t interpret will happen."

The future of AI-bots in the health care

“We must continue searching for other models to timely apply this technology. My team is therefore looking for a way to develop chatbot’s memory so we can work on a more personal interaction. We should work on what we call “hybrid models” where both, the AI and medical providers deliver treatment plans.

 A model where a chatbot can say: “Maybe this is where I should stop. It’s time for you to contact a psychologist.”

To read more (in Dutch), click here.