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Kamalika Patra in Follow The Money on flex workers and employment conditions

29 February 2024
Kamalika Patra shares some conclusions from her study on legislation regarding temporary or 'flex' workers and their economic position relative to permanent workers. The study utilises synthetic control methods to causally isolate the effect of the policy from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.

The 2020 law Wet Arbeidsmarkt in Balans (WAB) aims to narrow the gap between the disproportionate number of people employed on temporary versus permanent contracts in the Netherlands. Follow The Money, a Dutch platform for independent investigative journalism, evaluates this law in the article Jaarlijks hebben duizenden flexwerkers recht op ontslagvergoeding, maar ze krijgen die haast nooit. In this article Kamalika Patra shares some conclusions from her study on the effects of the law. The research indicates the WAB lead to a decrease in number of people employed on fixed term basis and an increase in permanent contracts. Interviews with former 'flex workers', however, suggest still many temporary workers remain unaware of their rights to termination fees which the WAB is supposed to ensure.

Kamalika was responsible for the investigation of the WAB at ABN AMRO in 2021. Presently, Kamalika analyses of the effects of the WAB in her PhD research at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.